Static Values

A simple demonstration of a dashboard with static values. This can be useful to render the results of another application that collects data and emits a dashboard configuration in YAML or JSON.
Kilometers in a mile 1.61
Kilograms in a pound 0.454
Liters in a quart 1.06
Miles in a kilometer 0.621
Pounds in a kilogram 2.2
Quarts in a liter 0.946

Ernest Hemingway

The way to make people trustworthy is to trust them.

Joshua from War Games

The only way to win is not to play.

Pizza variety

New York 18
Chicago 16
Neopolitan 15
New Haven 1

Historic US dates

Date Description
1775-04-19 Battles of Lexington and Concord
1776-07-04 Independence Day
1929-10-24 Black Thursday; the stock market crash of 1929
1933-12-05 Repeal of prohibition
1973-01-22 Roe v Wade
2015-06-26 Obergefell v Hodges